Saturday, September 14, 2013


Thanks for everything, seriously I'm so grateful right now. Thanks for everything that happened to me. DPP EON Yes! The day event , I guess I've found myself a concept. I like dancing, like to perform, everything just come true tonight, and it was not a dream. I still can recall vividly during the recognization to dance, obsession and totally smitten by dance moves. I remember the time I closed myself inside my room and keep dancing non-stop. I remember how hard I've been through to master the song Eat you up without any dance experience. I remember everything I did to practice, to learn,and feel contented even though there's no audience, just me. And tonight, finally there's them, UUM EON residents, they witnessed my hard work during these years. Perhaps this was something that meant to happen, our team get to perform the k pop and there's me and another k pop fan inside waiting to explode. Throw out everything that we've prepared in the last few years.
I've been waiting for years for my audience, and here they are, in UUM.

This is us. Group 12 group Teletubies !
My not-so-good-at-dancing and Crap-talking captain. Well, he's not bad, at least we're getting along very well during the event. And I got the BEST JUNiOR award. Hmmm actually I almost got the Miss EON award but its cool anyway. And lastly the Beats earphone-as-present 
thing totally surprised me! A busy day for me and I've never feel this kind of content since long time ago. 


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