Friday, December 20, 2013

131220 原来我怕黑


他们说 我是一个知道自己要什么的人
他们说 我是一个强悍的女生 我也觉得自己可以强悍起来  可是到了一个人的夜晚 我才知道自己一点都不强
这样的时刻 很孤单 很情绪化
我想找人 可是该找谁
今时不同往日 现在的我 精神上也是一个人

Thursday, December 12, 2013


这个学期差不多快结束了,接下来最担心的是该死的期末考,之前都是靠混的我 真的死定了。

Sunday, November 24, 2013




Wednesday, October 23, 2013


目前还无法确定是什么感觉 不过在这之前 我们的关系 像现在也不错 很平衡 很自然 我喜欢的自然

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


要去闯 去经历 去和不同的人擦出各种火花 我现在想这样过我的大学生活
好累啊 倦容

Friday, October 11, 2013





世事难料 人心难测
走到了这里 才发觉最初的单纯和不顾一切


Thursday, September 26, 2013


I want to believe there's a good side of yours, I wish I'm inside your heart, the very core of your heart. I wish I'm different, I wish I'm the love of your life. 
I'm insane. Yet I feel sober. I miss you. Like crazy. I miss all the memories that we've shared. How I wish we would end up together. How about you? 

Monday, September 23, 2013


There are certain types of people around us, they just aren't  born or designed to accounting. Simpan kira-Kira is not their destiny !
Yes I'm talking about myself. 
Sounds all cool didn't I ? Not really
Accounting. I can't help but think of him. Part of me shamelessly hoping that he's still by my side, teaching and guiding me, pointing out my mistakes, challenge me, mock me, and things that will never happen. Because the helplessness and unknowns are so familiar that hurts. I hate my soft side that always trigger the eagerness for him. But still, what's happened can't be undone. A hell lot of changes occur in everyone. In him. He's not coming back and I know it. Well, guys at here are different, kinda hard to understand. Definitely better. And I'm looking forward to every possibilities to be with the betters. 
Lastly, good night ! <3 

Saturday, September 21, 2013


Financial accounting 真的好难,根本就跟accounting不ngam从以前开始就这样了,tutorial 越来越难,朋友都不太会做,找不到人问的时候真的有很无助的感觉,希望有人会从天上掉下来然后走到自己前面说来教我。哎〜这里没人认识你,怎么会帮你勒?睬你都傻啦TT

Thursday, September 19, 2013



Saturday, September 14, 2013


Thanks for everything, seriously I'm so grateful right now. Thanks for everything that happened to me. DPP EON Yes! The day event , I guess I've found myself a concept. I like dancing, like to perform, everything just come true tonight, and it was not a dream. I still can recall vividly during the recognization to dance, obsession and totally smitten by dance moves. I remember the time I closed myself inside my room and keep dancing non-stop. I remember how hard I've been through to master the song Eat you up without any dance experience. I remember everything I did to practice, to learn,and feel contented even though there's no audience, just me. And tonight, finally there's them, UUM EON residents, they witnessed my hard work during these years. Perhaps this was something that meant to happen, our team get to perform the k pop and there's me and another k pop fan inside waiting to explode. Throw out everything that we've prepared in the last few years.
I've been waiting for years for my audience, and here they are, in UUM.

This is us. Group 12 group Teletubies !
My not-so-good-at-dancing and Crap-talking captain. Well, he's not bad, at least we're getting along very well during the event. And I got the BEST JUNiOR award. Hmmm actually I almost got the Miss EON award but its cool anyway. And lastly the Beats earphone-as-present 
thing totally surprised me! A busy day for me and I've never feel this kind of content since long time ago. 

Saturday, August 31, 2013


今晚好累 但还是坚持写下自己这份心情
最后一晚 躺在自己舒服到爆也乱到可怕的狗窝房间对着白色天花板午夜反省 
就连天花板都有点舍不得 我要离开家到很远的地方生活了! 接下来要面对的,哈哈哈连想都不敢想
这也算成长吗?太多太多事 我又太过健忘 
靠 有时候感觉太深反而什么都写不出来
不想太过乐观太过正面 这样就不会又自己失望
好好干吧 ! 我知道你是兴奋的!

Thursday, August 29, 2013


真的变了 变好多 我应该不认识你了
希望我不要等到被你糟蹋后才清醒 再次受伤才真正放弃 
你在沉沦 堕落 没有意义的活着
也许你认为你是快乐的 那是因为你已经不知道自己真正要的是什么了
你在城市的孤单迷失了自己 我好想帮你 但我有那个能力吗
保护自己才是最重要 不能再接近你了

Tuesday, August 27, 2013



Sunday, August 25, 2013



Wednesday, August 21, 2013


只想说 我真的很想保护妈妈 可是自己的能力真的好有限 希望她不再劳累生气 希望身边的人都看得到她的辛苦 都能尽力帮她减轻负担 我应该怎么做才能让你日子好过点 好像什么都做不到
就要离开家了 除了担心自己 还有担心家里的每个人 没人帮妈做家务会不会更累 没人照顾婆婆 阿公怎么办 

Sunday, August 11, 2013


等待是很尴尬的时期 或上或下的心情 不知道应该安置在哪个位置 
其实没进到想要的大学 除了冤 就真的好像没什么 冥冥中似乎都安排好了 我应该远离那个让他改变的大城市 和我梦寐以求的城市生活
过得还可以 也有满足的时候 可是心里就是会有某个地方空空的 没人能填补的大洞 
听到姐一边兴致勃勃的和男朋友讨论旅行的期待 就觉得如果你还在就好了 如果从来没发生任何事 我现在会不会也和姐一样 那么幸福
每天都会想起一件曾经发生的事 我们的事 我会慢慢想 一定会把它想完 等到那天  我就释怀了 吧?
但是你知道吗 你好可怕 问我现在对你的感觉 ? 我怕你 打从心底的害怕

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


好久没打球咯 真的超级久 虽然是带着丢脸丢到家的勇气去献丑 不过自己表现得还不错啦 很累 脚很酸 之前练瑜伽的酸都还没好 所以就 爽!
昨天驾着小黄很热血地跑到酒店看学生考试 结果洒玩热血回到家的十字路口车子突然死火 好扯 黄兄就这样体力不支地昏在马路中央 我就这样推着黄兄到了路旁 

Sunday, August 4, 2013


妈妈说 我的世界很小 所以把事情看得很重 所以连伤害我的人我都舍不得放开
我才知道 自己的心会抽 会痛 是因为回忆和回忆里的人
原来让心隐隐作痛的 是那个曾经真心爱我的傻子 为了我做任何事 那么毫无顾忌那么强烈的爱我的人 还有还有
同样爱着你的 过去的自己
很喜欢那样的自己 那样的世界

Friday, August 2, 2013


真的,你的自以为是和自命不凡的勇气到底是打哪儿偷来的?你觉得你厉害?你的世界除了拖泥带水,成事不足败事有余还真的什么都不剩了。你知道吗?我开始瞧不起你了。 你真的,好差劲。

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


心里空荡荡的 原来孤单真的不好受 习惯了另一个人的陪伴 就再也和孤单做不回朋友   
单身好啊 至少不用因为见不到就牵肠挂肚疑神疑鬼 至少不会故意迁就然后隐藏自己 至少不会三不五时大吵 担心的是两个人的事 光是应付不一样的个性磨合就减寿了多少年 一个人也很好啊 至少没人能伤害的了自己 因为心还是自己的 
朋友说 谈了恋爱就是把一把刀递给对方容许对方去伤害你 还蛮有道理的
现在的我 没有人能够伤害

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


 凌晨了,我好累。玩了一整天,我知道我累了。这时候你出现了,扰乱了我,让我累也睡不着。我不是爱你的,不爱了,只是突然涌出来的回忆,压得我喘不过气,好辛苦。你知道吗 我的心还是会为你而痛,为你而气,为你失眠。好久没这样了。老是想起你,可能是因为孤单吧,身边少了能让我毫不顾忌的把一整天发生的所有事一一说出来的人,再小的事,再大的事,你爱听的和不爱听的。那天起我就告诉自己,其实一个人也很好,自由自在,无牵无挂,我真的总是告诉自己单身真的好,孤单不可怕。可是好像一点都不好,我的心没有依靠,没有一双耳朵细细的聆听我讲的所有事,我发现这个人真的很重要,我发现原来我是用这种方式记录生活的、就是怕自己会忘记,索性把所有东西告诉人。可是最近啊,我好像老是忘了自己究竟过了什么样的日子,马马虎虎,昏昏沉沉。

Saturday, June 15, 2013


My current addiction~~
Can't get enough of you Choi Si Won !
Technically I'm just obsessed to actor Siwon. We need good things in our life.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

1 month anniversary

Well well well you don't know me good enough to witness my inner turmoil. You definitely don't know me well enough to notice my commotion inside because of you. It's been a month. You tore my heart into pieces and crushed my peace living life. Rough month. I fought so hard to convince myself to let you go and stop the pathetic struggles. It's a lifelong lesson for me, to realise that trust too much kills me. My sarcastic words and insults to you just the way to build my walls. I don't believe a thing you uttered, I started making assumptions, I mocked you provoked you to no ends, I did those things to protect myself from returning to that silly girl who thinks you'll always love me. Hope the wound heals but it never does, because I'm in war with love.  

Sunday, May 19, 2013


You never are not good enough for me. It's me, I'm not good enough for you. Trust me, you deserve better.

Saturday, May 18, 2013


Thursday, May 16, 2013


Thanks for telling me that. You make me forget about the past at that moment. And sorry can't help you.  I don't want anything for now. Just peace.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


I wish my heart can listen to me.
I keep telling myself, you're just someone in the past,someone I need to let go.
I keep telling myself, I don't love you actually.No I don't love you at all.
I keep telling myself to forget about you,everything we had.
It's killing me, day by day, I want to move on, I really do.
It's been hard,and it's still do.
Part of me that used to love you,trust you,long for you,I had to force it to die. Buried along with our memories.
I feel hollow. A big and deep hole in my heart.


I still can't stop thinking about you. The pain seems faded but the truth is I just feel numb. I hope this is going to a right way. I think of you I still do, but at least you've stay away from my dream. I feel hurt, but at least I've manage to feel things other than pain. Not only pain anymore. I feel cheated because you don't love me yet you still pretend to, but at least there's still many people care for me, actually love me within their heart.
Yea I'm definitely moving on. I still feel horrible sometimes, but at least I've found my smiles back. My stomach feel sick and my appetite gone by the thought of you, but at least I've eaten more now. I'm trying so hard to find back my old self. The one before I met you and love you. Without you my life will never complete. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


昨夜总算还好没在夜半惊醒。今天又领悟了多一点,原来你真的不爱我了。现在回想,其实好多小细节都看得出来,你对我的只是需要,在你家人面前演戏的需要,我太天真太确信你不会不爱我,结果这样的愚蠢让我看不清。你已在悄悄的给了我信号,我不想想太多。 我现在才知道,真的,心好痛,痛到胃里去了,我没办法振作,要我怎么振作?最痛最痛的是原来你在很久之前就不爱我了。还有,我留不住你的心。


The pain never stop. Never been through never know. Miserable. I'm naive and stupid, I still believe a part of you actually belongs to me, only me, a real and sincere chern Yan. Our every first time, every date every outing every fight, I know why you pick her over me. I know, I bet you compared her to me all the time. I'm always the worse I know. I can see why you love her, despite all the things we've been through together. I've lose. And the feelings never go away. You don't give a shit about me anymore, she's the only person that you think about now, I'm no more, I'm nothing to you. After what we've been through, no more, to you, we've nothing, this is nothing. Damn it. I'm so pathetic.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


You've forgot all the things we've been through, I mean all. Your love for me were so vulnerable, you choose the new one. Your better one. You're not my innocent chern Yan who were only love Wong Soo min because we were first love for each other. Not anymore. You've no idea how you tore my heart into pieces when you told me you pick her over me. You don't love me anymore. Our relationship more than 1 year can't beat your college crush, your supposed-to-be-mistake-from-beginning relationship. Hurts like hell you know. Your promises, your words, your gifts, carrying all our would-be-gone love, they were real. At least they once were. But the only thing I'm sure about, I didn't forget. I won't. You did but I don't. 

Sunday, April 28, 2013


I'm being totally emotional today. It's not like me at all. I don't wait, don't having expectations, don't keep checking phone,don't act a love sick puppy. Just currently, temporary, I told myself. Screw you jerk !

Monday, April 22, 2013


I've lost your trust. Afterall I was just some bitch to you. I thought you're ready, you'll always ready for me. But I'm the one being ridiculous and ungrateful. I had once, I held your trust, your confident,your almost everything. But I took things granted and totally wasn't aware. Things changed, people changed, everything happens for a reason. Your changes is part of my fault, mostly. It's not like a bad thing though, at least you've learnt how to protect yourself from getting hurt from a heartless bitch like me. I can't help myself. I deserve this.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013



Monday, March 18, 2013


The day :
I'm happy because finally I'm able to make the people I cared proud of me. My parents and family will brag like a boss in front of their friends. They won't feel ashamed of me. No more disappointment and despair, everything's going just too well. Me of course feel overwhelmed, joy, unbelievable, unreal, and relief. I'm glad because my parents were happy because of me, this is the best present for me. I won't forget what happened today, like a miracle, thank you.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Hmmmmm tick tok tick tok a few hours left...still freaking unstoppable nervousness and worries...another sleepless night I guess...everything will coming to the end when the sun rise again.

Friday, March 15, 2013


Well, the clocking is ticking, time is taking an Allegretto speed, Monday is coming.
I've imagine every possibilities for things to happen in the day. Yes it has become The Day for me. I told myself I should expect the worse , I don't want to end up like some losers who just can't accept their failure and disappointment. Tha day is getting closer and I'm getting all stress up. Seriously I've been counting down the second I opened my eyes every morning, I've been counting down for like every hours, I managed to find myself some distractions and they just didn't work out well. I keep telling myself, no matter what happened, whoever becomes the winner, don't be jealous because that wasn't mine at the first place, it's for them who hard works paid, it's for the people who deserves it.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013



Thursday, March 7, 2013



Friday, February 22, 2013


I don't feel good now,not at all,emotionally vulnerable, mood swing and swing.
Maybe what I needed the most now is someone,companion and compliment.I guess I was being ridiculously unreasonable in certain things, I just feel tired and emo. Just hope things will work out sometimes, and don't tell me that I had overestimate myself and ability. I need courage and confident. Don't force nor hope everyone to understand what you feel, because its not like they actually gone through the same damn thing. Despair and disappointed tonight.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


No matter how much i wish,things are just different now. I feel bad for what i've did,i feel frustrated because i don't even understand myself and let emotions take control,like always,i feel angry too,i know i have no right to feel that but i still do.
How much time do i need to realize that you are not the same anymore, you are not care for me anymore even if i'm dead . Great , i don't know until where did you changed,after what happened today, when you are done swearing and yelling and throwing rude words towards me, i knew that,we will not be the same anymore.So this is the price i need to pay.